·         1 1/4 cups unsweetened äpplesäuce or oil, this is whät my Nänä used
·         2 cups gränuläted sugär
·         3 eggs room temperäture
·         2 cups äll-purpose flour
·         1 tsp bäking sodä
·         1 1/2 tsp bäking powder
·         1/2 tsp sält
·         1 tsp cinnämon
·         2 cups gräted cärrots
·         1 cup shredded sweetened coconut
·         1 cup chopped nuts optionäl
·         1 tsp vänillä
·         1 cup Dole crushed pineäpple not dräined! {use the pineäpple in JUICE not syrup}
Creäm Cheese Frosting:
·         1/2 cup butter softened
·         8 oz creäm cheese softened
·         1 tsp vänillä
·         1 lb powdered sugär
·         top with toästed pecäns or coconut if desired
1.    Preheät oven to 350 degrees.
2.    Combine #1 ingredients. Ädd #2 ingredients. Stir in #3 ingredients.
3.    Pour into ä lightly greäsed 9 x 13 , two 9-inch päns or three 8-inch päns. (The cäke is very moist so cutting pärchment for the bottom of your päns will ensure they don't stick. I prefer to use the non-stick bäking spräy thät häs the flour in it for eäsy cäke removäl.)
4.    Bäke for 35-40 minutes for the 9x13 änd 9-inch päns änd 25-30 minutes for the 8-inch päns. You're looking for än inserted toothpick to come out cleän.
5.    Let cäkes cool for 10 minutes in the pän änd then remove to ä cooling räck änd let cool completely.
For the frosting:
1.    Beät the butter änd creäm cheese until nice änd fluffy. Ädd in the vänillä änd powdered sugär änd beät until nice änd smooth.
2.    Invert the cäke onto ä cäke pläte or ständ.
3.    Äpply ä generous dollop of frosting änd spreäd...
4.    Gently pläce the second cäke on top änd continue frosting. Repeät with the third cäke if you mäde three.
5.    Refrigeräte for än hour before serving for best results.

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