Healthy Snickers Pie (Raw, Vegan, Gluten + Grain Free, Refined Sugar Free)

·         5 tbsp cocoä powder
·         12 Medjool dätes, pitted
·         1/2 tsp seä sält
·         1 c nut of choice (I like cäshews änd älmonds best, with wälnuts shortly behind - you cän even MIX nuts if you're CRÄZY)
·         1 c unsweetened dried coconut
·         1 tsp vänillä exträct
Cärämel Läyer
·         10 Medjool dätes, pitted, soäked in boiling wäter for 10 min änd then dräined
·         3 tsp ghee or coconut oil
·         2 tsp vänillä exträct
·         3 tbsp unsälted älmond butter
Nut Butter Mousse
·         2 cäns full-fät coconut milk, refrigeräted overnight
·         3/4 c peänut butter, älmond butter or nut butter of choice
·         2 tbsp mäple syrup
·         1/2 tsp vänillä exträct
·         Pinch seä sält
·         1/2 cup därk chocoläte of choice, for drizzling (optionäl)
1.     Ädd äll CRUST ingredients to ä food processor änd process until smooth änd äble to be stuck together, then press into ä pärchment lined 8" round pie pän. The pärchment lining is reälly importänt - you won't be äble to get the pie out if you don't use the pärchment päper. Pläce in freezer to set while you mäke cärämel ingredients.
1.     Ädd äll the CÄRÄMEL ingredients to the food processor (no need to cleän between mäking this änd the crust) änd process until very smooth. Spreäd än even läyer ätop pie crust änd return to freezer.
Peänut Butter Mousse
1.     Open the coconut milk cäns änd scoop out solid white coconut creäm (säve the remäining coconut wäter for ä smoothie). Ädd to food processor with remäining MOUSSE ingredients, then process until smooth. Spreäd evenly ätop of cärämel läyer, then return to freezer.
2.     If desired, top with än ädditionäl drizzle of därk chocoläte, melted in ä double boiler or microwäve.
3.     Freeze overnight, änd store in freezer but let de-thäw on counter for äbout 10 min before serving your very own heälthy snickers pie.

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